New York

Beekman Hotel

By dave | December 21, 2021

I was in New York for business and we had an engagement party in Staten Island that weekend, so I took a couple days off basically just to stay at the Beekman Hotel. It has a very “Blade Runner” aesthetic in the atrium and tons of amazing metalwork railings. It is also a fantastic hotel,…

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Buffalo State Hospital – July 13, 2013

By dave | December 29, 2018

We made a second trip to Buffalo State to do another tour just a couple of months after our first visit to Buffalo State Hospital.

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Buffalo State Hospital – May 5, 2013 – Set 2

By dave | December 29, 2018

During our first visit to Buffalo State we got very lucky. Naturally, after the tour ended I was asking about getting more time to photograph (which I would be more than happy to pay for), etc. Christine, the absolutely fantastic person in charge of operations at the Richardson Olmsted Complex indicated that I would really…

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Buffalo State Hospital – May 5, 2013 – Set 1

By dave | December 29, 2018

Construction on the Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane began in 1872 with the hospital opening in 1880. The architect was Henry Hobson Richardson who designed many well known buildings, including Trinity Church in Boston and the Thomas Crane Memorial Library on Harvard’s campus. The landscape architect was Frederick Law Olmsted, who designed central park.…

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Amsterdam, NY Warehouse

By dave | June 2, 2010

I don’t have a lot of information on this warehouse. I got a tip from a family friend that there were some abandonments in Amsterdam…that it was a one factory town and that factory had closed…and managed to confirm the info online. It seemed like a chill spot so we stopped here on our way…

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Hotel Adler

By dave | May 12, 2010

This was the first stop on a whirlwind 4 day exploring trip with my friends Dave and Dan. I had obtained information on the hotel from someone I knew from exploring forums, and we took the long drive out here in one shot. I have to say, it was an excellent way to kick off…

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Jackson Sanatorium

By dave | July 20, 2009

Regarded as one of the easiest explores around, naturally we were spotted on the way in and ejected by the police.  The officer was very nice to us and called the owner to see if they were willing to let us go.  This is one time where having a massive amount of camera equipment with…

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Atlantic Ave. Tunnel

By dave | March 8, 2008

The Atlantic Ave tunnel was built in 1844 and rediscovered in 1980 by Bob Diamond, pictured here in the orange vest leading one of the tours. According to Bob, the tunnel was the subject of many rumors and urban legends over the years, and pretty much everyone had disregarded it’s existence as a fairy tale.

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Kings Park Psychiatric Center

By dave | September 25, 2007

Kings Park had been on my list for some time but the distance was just a bit more than I was willing to tackle in a single day, especially considering the massive amount of exploring that lay ahead of me. In the end, it turned out to be the first place I ever traveled and…

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Central Islip Psychiatric Center

By dave | May 29, 2007

My trip to Central Islip was brief, but interesting. I stopped here after exploring the Kings Park Psychiatric Center. I was torn between my desire to explore and my desire to get on the road for a very long drive home so I was only able to explore one building.

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