
Northampton State Hospital – Trip 3

By dave | January 28, 2006

At this point, I was obsessed with exploring Northampton State Hospital – I was driving 2 hours out to Northampton every weekend.  Definitely something that, in retrospect, I am incredibly happy I did.  I had a pretty short window before this place was demolished and I can truly say that I visited this incredible place…

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Northampton State Hospital – Trip 2

By dave | January 14, 2006

After my first trip to NoHo I was hooked.  Returning only a few weeks later, the day was unseasonably warm and fog was forming from the melting snow.  I started in the North Infirmary but towards the end of the day I became determined to get inside the Kirkbride, if only for a few minutes. …

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Northampton State Hospital – Trip 1

By dave | December 22, 2005

Photography, for me, started in Middle School.  My friend signed up for photography class and brought me in to the dark room to check out the prints he was developing from his pinhole camera.  I was instantly hooked.  The smell of the fix, the image slowly coming out in the developer, it was magic.  I…

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