Buffalo State Hospital – May 5, 2013 – Set 2

During our first visit to Buffalo State we got very lucky. Naturally, after the tour ended I was asking about getting more time to photograph (which I would be more than happy to pay for), etc. Christine, the absolutely fantastic person in charge of operations at the Richardson Olmsted Complex indicated that I would really need to schedule something in advance. However, the volunteers talked a bit and they had someone who had scheduled such a tour that day and didn’t show up, and they were willing to let me go instead! I feel very lucky that I was able to get this extra time to photograph before the Hotel Henry opened when the spaces were empty, but still not remodeled. Our guide for this extended tour, who I believe was Christine’s mom (I am embarrassed to say that I am terrible with names!) was amazing and we learned even more than we did on the already excellent tour. She was extraordinarily knowledgeable and really had a passion for history and preservation. She was also extraordinarily patient as the photo coma set in and I moved at a snails pace through the complex photographing absolutely everything.